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America's Risk New Madrid Fault Lines Quake Divide the U.S. May 4-17, 2011

.This is a MUST SEE! Is the U.S. Government making plans? Was Japan a testing ground for what is about to happen in the U.S.? Pray that the U.S. government doesn't get involved in the division of the Jerusalem and Israel. If it happens it will mean God will divide the U.S. down the middle. This is a WARNING! There are 15 nuclear power plants in the New Madrid fault zone that are of the same or similar design
2. The New Madrid Seismic Zone

It’s not just the West Coast that needs to watch out for tectonic obliteration. The New Madrid Seismic Zone spans southeastern Missouri, northeastern Arkansas, western Tennessee, western Kentucky, and southern Illinois. It’s the most active earthquake zone east of the Rocky Mountains.
